Sabado, Pebrero 4, 2012

Wanna Be Starting Something

They say third time's the charm, right? Well, I believe in making the most about this year so I will attempt once again to start a blog. I've been wanting to start one again since last year but I've been lazy and busy so it was delayed up to this point. I'm so happy to finally get the template together and I'm pretty proud of it. :3

The Title is a reference to the previous MJ episode of Glee(you'll be hearing a lot more about it since i'm hopelessy addicted to the show and the cast members) wherein Darren Criss(the love of my life haha) sang the amazing Michael Jackson classic. I felt it was appropriate for my first post so here it is.

To all my invisible followers everywhere, I hope you like this blog and I hope you get to like me. This blog is one of my resolutions and I am overjoyed that I get to check it off my list. I've also sworn to be as organized and creative as possible this year so *fingers crossed*. I will fill this blog with nothing but 100 percent me, none of that fake crap that I am oh so familiar with. I may rant here or there but mostly this blog will contain things i'm loving and hating, projects i'm working on, the progress on my fashion, creations and drawings of mine, and simply about my life. I hope I won't sound like a selfish, self-centered teenager because that is not who I am. I'm actually pretty nice, I just can get vicious when I feel used and lied to. 

This year is about growing, maturing to the older and better me. I hate where I was last year, the insecure, overly stressed, "not fun" girl. I cared too much about school that I forgot that I had a life. Of course, being an honor student, I should put my studies first, but this year, I would learn to balance the two. This blog is a step towards a more mature "Zoë", with no more of that childish feelings and actions. I know it won't be that easy, I might lose my way here or there but everyone's got to grow up. Writing is what makes me who I am and it is the best way to show who I am exactly in words. I swore that this year I would write as often as possible, like I used to do in my elementary years.

What may seem annoying about me to you, makes a big part of what makes me *me*. Not everyone can be perfect and I am far from that. This is just me trying to find the path to a better, more mature person. This is a special project to me, one that will become a special part of my life. And I hope you, an invisible reader, can respect that. 

This is a start of something that will benefit me entirely. I know I don't have to explain why I started blogging but it seems that it is the best way to greet and baptize me into this world.

Thank you for reading this, future and invisible readers, I will blog as often as I can.


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