Biyernes, Pebrero 17, 2012


First of all, belated happy Valentine's Day! :3 Here's a little photoshop thing I made last week. :3
Anyway, February 14 was what? It was a normal tuesday. Nothing really unusual. Just glad to spend it with my friends. I didn't really notice that it was Valentine's Day. :P

Anyway, remember the mural I was talking about? :3 Well, we only got second place when we were expecting first but it's okay. The other one had more appeal so, oh well. Nothing we can do now. Here is a quick pic I took of the mural. I love the look and the overall idea we had. I was very colorful and I'm really proud of the group effort.
Kinda dark, i know but :3. It's pretty right? The theme is our positive response to the adverse effects of technology to the environment.  hihihi Think we got it right?

On the me front, I had a bit of tonsilitis. Yeah I was kinda a whining little girl because it hurt when I swallowed so maybe I was kinda annoying? :3

Right now, the pain has gone, weirdly after I drank some milk tea. *winks* Is this a new cure? :O haha. I have a crazy busy sched right now, being a leader of almost every group. We've got a video presentation for Chinese, then a drama for Florante at Laura, and I still need to prepare for my History report. The life of a sophomore huh? :s I'm having a hard time with the script but I hope I come through. I'm sort of feeling the stress again but I'm trying to be calmer and less uptight. *yay for fulfillment of new year's resolution*

Next week we have the so called Kalasag Docufest. We get to watch 15 minute documentaries by History Club members on topics like depression, child labor, celebrities in politics, the tragedy of ofws, and a few more. Kinda excited to see the final outputs of the documentaries. I wanna see the potential of Josephians. \m/

Anyway, I might bore you to sleep with this two-photo, multi-paragraphed post so I'll leave it here. I hope I get to post something interesting again this weekend. *fingers crossed* Kbye.

Biyernes, Pebrero 10, 2012

Roll with the Punches

I received very disappointing news today, something that made me depressed and lose my appetite. I found out that I dropped two ranks in the class honors list, from top one in class to top three and from top 4 in the batch to top six. I was extremely disappointed and embarrassed, i could not stop a few tears from falling. I worked hard that quarter but I guess not as hard as I used to. I was a bit distracted due to delayed examinations because of Chinese dance. I know it's what i deserve this quarter but it really hurt me to think that I dropped so low. I couldn't help but cry my disappointment out.

Despite this, I have to rise from the ashes and smile. There are worst things to be depressed about and I guess I'm just a bit too grade-conscious and competitive. Despite my gloomy, irritated, disappointed mood for the day, I have to bring myself to smile:
(pardon the crappy photo)

The science exhibit gave me a reason to smile, the games let me let go of my depression but it's slowly coming back as I think of what I did wrong.

Dear Zoë,
         Top Four will come back to you, I promise. Don't be discouraged by one downfall. Rise from your depression, anger, and sadness and work even harder than usual. You are capable of getting what you want, you've done it before. Be happy and always look at the positive things in life. You have a lot of reasons to smile.
Future Zoe

This state of depression will end, followed by a new ray of sunshine as the quote above suggests. I will do my absolute best to get what I want, I know I can do it. I've done it before.

Anyway, here's a random collection of pictures.

 Some panna cotta Mommy made to go with the strawberries. I was pretty bored so I plated the strawberries up(inner chef coming through). The panna cotta was a bit too sweet but in contrast to the a bit sour strawberries, it was delicious.

Tried something new today. Instead of my usual wintermelon milk tea with pearls, I ordered Tiramisu Milk Tea with pudding. It was yummy; I enjoyed the pudding very much.

This is what I've been gearing up for. On Monday, I shall make a mural(together with Anika and Raven-sensei) about a theme( effects of  technology) with a slogan to match. Not sure on the slogan yet, still picking out one that will be great to paint.

I personally love to paint, having taken lessons during the summer but that was a long time ago. I hope I still remember the basics. I'm a bit anxious but mostly excited to get my hands dirty.

I am currently reading Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher(lent to me by Ate Sasa :3) and Unfinished Business by Nora Roberts on the kindle. Loving them both so far. I'm using a bookmark I drew and printed last November. Yeah, one of my successful doodles, unfortunately I haven't drawn since last year except a project for Chinese. I kinda got discouraged by my lack of talent.

This week was pretty crappy(sorry), it was filled with sadness and disappointment. I hope next week will be better, with Valentine's and all(I will be forever alone but with Glee to comfort me ;>). I want to feel better, no longer depressed and embarrassed by my failures as an honor student. Next week will turn out to bearable, I'll make that sure.

Sabado, Pebrero 4, 2012

Wanna Be Starting Something

They say third time's the charm, right? Well, I believe in making the most about this year so I will attempt once again to start a blog. I've been wanting to start one again since last year but I've been lazy and busy so it was delayed up to this point. I'm so happy to finally get the template together and I'm pretty proud of it. :3

The Title is a reference to the previous MJ episode of Glee(you'll be hearing a lot more about it since i'm hopelessy addicted to the show and the cast members) wherein Darren Criss(the love of my life haha) sang the amazing Michael Jackson classic. I felt it was appropriate for my first post so here it is.

To all my invisible followers everywhere, I hope you like this blog and I hope you get to like me. This blog is one of my resolutions and I am overjoyed that I get to check it off my list. I've also sworn to be as organized and creative as possible this year so *fingers crossed*. I will fill this blog with nothing but 100 percent me, none of that fake crap that I am oh so familiar with. I may rant here or there but mostly this blog will contain things i'm loving and hating, projects i'm working on, the progress on my fashion, creations and drawings of mine, and simply about my life. I hope I won't sound like a selfish, self-centered teenager because that is not who I am. I'm actually pretty nice, I just can get vicious when I feel used and lied to. 

This year is about growing, maturing to the older and better me. I hate where I was last year, the insecure, overly stressed, "not fun" girl. I cared too much about school that I forgot that I had a life. Of course, being an honor student, I should put my studies first, but this year, I would learn to balance the two. This blog is a step towards a more mature "Zoë", with no more of that childish feelings and actions. I know it won't be that easy, I might lose my way here or there but everyone's got to grow up. Writing is what makes me who I am and it is the best way to show who I am exactly in words. I swore that this year I would write as often as possible, like I used to do in my elementary years.

What may seem annoying about me to you, makes a big part of what makes me *me*. Not everyone can be perfect and I am far from that. This is just me trying to find the path to a better, more mature person. This is a special project to me, one that will become a special part of my life. And I hope you, an invisible reader, can respect that. 

This is a start of something that will benefit me entirely. I know I don't have to explain why I started blogging but it seems that it is the best way to greet and baptize me into this world.

Thank you for reading this, future and invisible readers, I will blog as often as I can.
