Linggo, Setyembre 2, 2012

I am your camera *swoosh

Hi there! Meet Darth "Darthy" Vader, my new camera! He's very serious and awesome so don't mess with him. 

This Fujifilm Instax 210 was a birthday gift to myself after sacrificing a large part of my allowance for it. I'm so happy when it finally arrived yesterday in all its glory!

I love the effects of the pictures so much. So instagrammy and vintagey :)) Please do not mind the ugly self portrait. That was not meant to be printed since we played around thinking that the rest of the film pack will not work because it was overexposed. But much to my surprise the fourth photo taken finally printed out correctly! I was so relieved!

Well here are the three failures. The film is so sensitive you should not open the film cover. It is so stressful to have an instax but at the same time it's very fun! I do not regret buying one at all. I know it's expensive but it's an investment for me. I love it to death. It's my baby darthy <3 Looking forward to taking more photos for intrams and my upcoming 15th birthday celebration! haha. I'm seriously saving the film since it is very expensive but i am actually aching to take another picture. I should resist this temptation so much through its hardships.

Sabado, Agosto 25, 2012

Forgive me?


Haha i have been MIA for a few months and the ultimate reason why? no time as well as nothing in my life is interesting enough to blog about.

Yes. My life is boring and stressful right now with all of this third year stuff. I'm overwhelmed with everything and honestly I want to post something, anything really, but I have decided that nothing is awesome about me right now. *sulks

I am going on with my usual weirdness. Obsessing and fangirling all over the place. Dealing with this glee hiatus has been hard, I JUST WANT THE DAMN SEASON TO START.

Anyway, this year I have decided to join the history club, Kalasag, and I warn you now that you will hear a lot about this club from me because we will be making amazeballs documentaries that are gonna be a lot of hard work but mostly fun.

These past months I've been the same me, writing, ranting, doodling, random photoshopping, instagramming, watching, and reading. Hmm. Where do i insert studying into all of that?!

In other news, I've been totally broke for a few months now after putting aside 2/3 of my allowance to save up for the Instax Wide. All my suffering will finally be worth it when I will get it next week or the following one. I cannot wait to see it and experiment with the photos though I will save the film since it costs P45 a pop. I will take some random but meaningful photos but mostly I will used the film during intrams, the most exciting event of the year. I am ecstatic about finally getting it!

Before I bore you with tidbits about my life, I shall go. I'm already blabbering nonsense here and I might be hated for it.

Potassium. K.

Biyernes, Hunyo 22, 2012

The Long and Winding Road: Chong Shan Lu 2012 Photodiary

This post has long been delayed. I've been kinda busy with school and the scheduled blackouts made it ever more difficult for me to write on my blog.

For those who don't know, Chong San Lu is a long series of roads where there are many kiosks, small shops, international brands, food carts, and tiangges! It was very exciting and overwhelming to shop at this great shopping street. The international brands are far too expensive, so I found joy in the more simpler and local brands.

The whole street kind of reminds me of Harajuku, seeng as it also has this great arc before you enter. I loved going here on Sundays and buying souvenirs as well as eating yummy food and drinking Coco milk tea.  

Look at China's stray dogs. They are too cute. Even the strays are well taken care of!

Yummy cream puffs! 

A lot of my fellow tour mates bought here which is weird. haha

Pretty shirts.

It was very nice shopping on the many streets and their corner stores were filled with so much cute clothes, bags and shoes.

I bought most of my pasalubong here in Chong Shan Lu.

It was so delicious.

The magnificent giant dog which we saw twice. It was so big and fluffy! The lady was friendly enough to let us touch the cutie doggie.

Sorry for this short post but I didn't get to take so many photos since when we were here we were always chasing the time. Anyway, I'll be posting soon about our great trip to Wuyishan mountain!

Miyerkules, Mayo 30, 2012

Doodle Your Troubles Away

I recently bought a small doodle notebook in Xiamen and I seem to have a lot of feelings since I left China. Nostalgia, mostly, but with a mixture of happiness, relief, and even a tiny bit of home. I doodle some of my feelings, since boredom has taken a toll on me.

This is something else I made at the dorm while watching Pretty Little Liars with my crazy friends. It's a promotional thingie of my blog!

Haha, supposedly this is me with my arale hat, taking pictures and shopping. The jacket is the one for our tour so yeah, nostalgia brought this on.

I was being goofy when I wrote/drew this. It kinda looks like Aaron :)) As I mentioned, he gave me his ducky headband and I drew it hear. As for the monthsary thing, we fought on a computer night since he totally forgot to bring my harddrive when i wanted to download stuff. So i was pissed off. The next day I completely ignored him so he followed me around, pleading for forgiveness and i finally forgave at night with his letter. :) Haha i was really ignoring him. haha. So yeah, this is a different kind of monthsary xP

Oh you know, the same old same old feelings. I'm pretty happy with this particular doodle.

So I guess I should explain this. On one crazy night, we played truth or dare and the dare I got was to talk to the fire hydrant for one minute. And I was totally like a crazy person, talking and asking the inanimate drawing why it wasn't answering me. Haha so that was a weird night. Then the next day when I stopped to tie my laces at Gulangyu, I accidentally knelt in front of a different fire hydrant. So from that moment on, I was known to my friends as the girl with the fire hydrant best friend.

Hahahaha. Another epic story. I had this handlebar mustache necklace and I lent it to my friends who were acting crazy and looked like they just escaped the mental hospital. We had some crazy nights with the mustache of shame and unfortunately on graduation night, I forgot it at the soccer field. Stupid of me, I know.


I miss them :) I miss China. So I channel my feelings into random doodles. It just lets me channel my creative side.


Martes, Mayo 29, 2012

Summer Lovin'- Xiamen Study Tour 2012

Hellooooooooooo! Me is back. :) After two longs months. And now, as classes draw near, I grow nostalgic about my summer. I miss everything. I miss my friends, teachers, comforts, and even every little thing that made me uncomfortable. I find myself devouring the soft bed, Pinoy food, large bathroom, and unlimited internet here at home. Yet I miss every single detail there in Xiamen from the morning call, to the weather, as well as our schedule. I am still not the best at Chinese, though I learned a lot more than Chinese.

I am feeling ultra-nostalgic, and I miss everyone it hurts. I feel something missing in my life but I have to face the tough circumstances and move on but I will always keep a special place in my heart for them :)

Here I am to list the worst and the best parts of my summer. It was bittersweet. At first I was disappointed by the standards of the food and dorm but I came to love the school. I felt homesick but was comforted by my old friends as well as my new ones. I wasn't able to see the soul of Xiamen but I enjoyed my trip because every experience was different. :) And I treasure every little moment and memory.

Lemme start with the best parts of my summer.

1. the people

The people I met there were awesome. They were different from the people here in Naga. Everyone got along so well.

I will never forget all the friends I made in China. I want to keep in touch with them since our friendship is important to me.

I honestly think I couldn't survive that summer if it weren't for all the moments and memories shared by my old friends and my new friends. They made my summer happy and bearable.

This is Aaron. :) He gave me his ducky headband as a remembrance <3 I miss him already :) He's from Lucena!

I miss this big guy so much xD He's one of my teachers, and the nicest one in fact.

Sup. This is Kuya Howard, also known as Lolo, from Angeles. :)) This was taken on a very emotional grad night. Nisha is the one with the headband and Shar is kneeling. :)

This is our ultra-epic posing. Haha We didn't really care if we looked stupid, we just bonded and boooooooooooom.

2. the experiences

For almost two months, I learned how to live independently and responsibly. I had to wash my own clothes and live on my own. I experienced dorm life and how hard it may be. This summer prepared me to be away from family. I had to experience being uncomfortable for a little while, from the very thin mattress to the cramped bathroom.

At first, it was hard for me since I was not used to such hard living. I just wanted to go home since I was so uncomfortable in my temporary home. The food absolutely was not five star and I really missed Pinoy food.

But these hard experiences prepared me for life and I could not be more thankful for the memories and moments I made there at XMFLS.

Our beloved classroom.

3. the lessons

This part was kind of bittersweet. The lessons were hard but in the end I learned a lot and maybe my Chinese did improve by i dunno, 5%? :))

The diagnostic test for our classes were not easy and I did a lot of guessing but apparently I am of level three material. xD There are four levels, the first is the lowest, and the fourth is the highest. I don't know how I managed to get into the second to the highest level, but who cares?! Haha.

Our lessons were diffrent from our classes here. They focused more on history and not much on practical words and phrases.

The first phrase I actually learned was how to ask for the price. :)) Zhe ge duo shao qian? xD

I didn't get high scores but I didn't fail either. Sometimes when i can't understand the lessons I just zone out and look at the board. Or sometimes I play on my itouch >:3 hihihihi.

But the teachers are very nice though they did speech a lot of english.

This blog entry is already quite long so I'll stop at the best parts of my summer first. I will post many photos when Ate Allie comes home so wait for it. And tomorrow I may or may not post the worst parts of my trip. Anyways, I'll end here.


Biyernes, Marso 23, 2012

2012 Summer Trip: Xia Men Study Tour

(Photo from, darkened watermark above)

Been kinda crazy this past two weeks, with the exams and my preparation fro Acadfest. Btw, I won! :3 It was a pretty amazing experience and I would like to thank everyone who gave their support and of course my trainer, Sir Sancho. 

Well right now, I'm pretty much dying of boredom. It's a good thing I watched The Hunger Games yesterday which was absolutely amazing and awesome. Though there were a lot of mistakes and scenes that weren't in the book, it was great because you can't really blame them 'cause it's a really hard book to make into a movie since it's in the first person. I have to admit, they did a really good job and I have something to say.

Peeta was so darn cute and *hot*. He was kinda ugly at first with gelled up blonde hair but in the end, he was perfect. Peeta is the perfect guy <3 I totally love him. xD I can't imagine Josh in Mockingjay where Peeta became crazy and wanted to kill Katniss but I don't care 'cause  he's freaking adorable. :) Even with his rockface camouflage, he was perfect.

Also, Cato was also cute. :"> Actually he would've made a perfect Peeta since he looks like Josh but much taller. But unfortunately he was bloody in the end and was kinda crazy so umm no, I'm a Peeta fan forever.

Effie and the other Capitol citizens looked ridiculous but it was a pretty good interpretation of the description in the book so I give it 4 and a half stars out of 5.

Anyway, in three days we will be going to Manila to got to the orientation for my study tour. I've been busy these days, packing and planning stuff. I'm not really ecstatic about going but I have to admit, there's a bit of excitement here. Anyway here are a looooooot of photos just because I was bored.

My Boots! :) I love them.


Rejects <3

Overpacking? Maybe...

Cosmetic Case, already filled to the bone

My favorite beanie

Enough of that, here are some adorable pictures of Claire :">
