Miyerkules, Mayo 30, 2012

Doodle Your Troubles Away

I recently bought a small doodle notebook in Xiamen and I seem to have a lot of feelings since I left China. Nostalgia, mostly, but with a mixture of happiness, relief, and even a tiny bit of home. I doodle some of my feelings, since boredom has taken a toll on me.

This is something else I made at the dorm while watching Pretty Little Liars with my crazy friends. It's a promotional thingie of my blog!

Haha, supposedly this is me with my arale hat, taking pictures and shopping. The jacket is the one for our tour so yeah, nostalgia brought this on.

I was being goofy when I wrote/drew this. It kinda looks like Aaron :)) As I mentioned, he gave me his ducky headband and I drew it hear. As for the monthsary thing, we fought on a computer night since he totally forgot to bring my harddrive when i wanted to download stuff. So i was pissed off. The next day I completely ignored him so he followed me around, pleading for forgiveness and i finally forgave at night with his letter. :) Haha i was really ignoring him. haha. So yeah, this is a different kind of monthsary xP

Oh you know, the same old same old feelings. I'm pretty happy with this particular doodle.

So I guess I should explain this. On one crazy night, we played truth or dare and the dare I got was to talk to the fire hydrant for one minute. And I was totally like a crazy person, talking and asking the inanimate drawing why it wasn't answering me. Haha so that was a weird night. Then the next day when I stopped to tie my laces at Gulangyu, I accidentally knelt in front of a different fire hydrant. So from that moment on, I was known to my friends as the girl with the fire hydrant best friend.

Hahahaha. Another epic story. I had this handlebar mustache necklace and I lent it to my friends who were acting crazy and looked like they just escaped the mental hospital. We had some crazy nights with the mustache of shame and unfortunately on graduation night, I forgot it at the soccer field. Stupid of me, I know.


I miss them :) I miss China. So I channel my feelings into random doodles. It just lets me channel my creative side.


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