Sabado, Agosto 25, 2012

Forgive me?


Haha i have been MIA for a few months and the ultimate reason why? no time as well as nothing in my life is interesting enough to blog about.

Yes. My life is boring and stressful right now with all of this third year stuff. I'm overwhelmed with everything and honestly I want to post something, anything really, but I have decided that nothing is awesome about me right now. *sulks

I am going on with my usual weirdness. Obsessing and fangirling all over the place. Dealing with this glee hiatus has been hard, I JUST WANT THE DAMN SEASON TO START.

Anyway, this year I have decided to join the history club, Kalasag, and I warn you now that you will hear a lot about this club from me because we will be making amazeballs documentaries that are gonna be a lot of hard work but mostly fun.

These past months I've been the same me, writing, ranting, doodling, random photoshopping, instagramming, watching, and reading. Hmm. Where do i insert studying into all of that?!

In other news, I've been totally broke for a few months now after putting aside 2/3 of my allowance to save up for the Instax Wide. All my suffering will finally be worth it when I will get it next week or the following one. I cannot wait to see it and experiment with the photos though I will save the film since it costs P45 a pop. I will take some random but meaningful photos but mostly I will used the film during intrams, the most exciting event of the year. I am ecstatic about finally getting it!

Before I bore you with tidbits about my life, I shall go. I'm already blabbering nonsense here and I might be hated for it.

Potassium. K.

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