Huwebes, Marso 15, 2012

A Week in Photographs:Exam Week

These pictures pretty much described my week. Procrastination, boredom, stress, and vanity.

During my study period, I pretty much used my dad's ipad, with instagram to take pictures of myself, the food I eat, random things I discover, and blah blah blah. As you can see from above I was obsessed with Claire and I had a loooot of photos of myself. :))

Last Tuesday, we had our Cariñosa performance, our was OKAY. We got 85(fine with me :>) and I'm gonna get a grade of 92 when combined with my individual grade. #success.

This is Raven! :3 She looks pretty even when her eyes are closed. <3

Funny how we had costumes on at first but didn't even take full body pictures 'cause we were busy.


We had loads of fun that day and I enjoyed the program though it tried a little bit too hard. Right now I am happy that exams are finished, all I have to worry about is the Acadfest which is on Tuesday. ^_^ So happy. It's only a matter of days before we go to Xia Men and I have to say I am both excited and nervous. We're going to Manila on the 27th and then we'll have time to watch the Hunger Games! :D Yaaaaay.

I will blog more these days since I have the time and the freedom. :3

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