Biyernes, Marso 23, 2012

2012 Summer Trip: Xia Men Study Tour

(Photo from, darkened watermark above)

Been kinda crazy this past two weeks, with the exams and my preparation fro Acadfest. Btw, I won! :3 It was a pretty amazing experience and I would like to thank everyone who gave their support and of course my trainer, Sir Sancho. 

Well right now, I'm pretty much dying of boredom. It's a good thing I watched The Hunger Games yesterday which was absolutely amazing and awesome. Though there were a lot of mistakes and scenes that weren't in the book, it was great because you can't really blame them 'cause it's a really hard book to make into a movie since it's in the first person. I have to admit, they did a really good job and I have something to say.

Peeta was so darn cute and *hot*. He was kinda ugly at first with gelled up blonde hair but in the end, he was perfect. Peeta is the perfect guy <3 I totally love him. xD I can't imagine Josh in Mockingjay where Peeta became crazy and wanted to kill Katniss but I don't care 'cause  he's freaking adorable. :) Even with his rockface camouflage, he was perfect.

Also, Cato was also cute. :"> Actually he would've made a perfect Peeta since he looks like Josh but much taller. But unfortunately he was bloody in the end and was kinda crazy so umm no, I'm a Peeta fan forever.

Effie and the other Capitol citizens looked ridiculous but it was a pretty good interpretation of the description in the book so I give it 4 and a half stars out of 5.

Anyway, in three days we will be going to Manila to got to the orientation for my study tour. I've been busy these days, packing and planning stuff. I'm not really ecstatic about going but I have to admit, there's a bit of excitement here. Anyway here are a looooooot of photos just because I was bored.

My Boots! :) I love them.


Rejects <3

Overpacking? Maybe...

Cosmetic Case, already filled to the bone

My favorite beanie

Enough of that, here are some adorable pictures of Claire :">


Huwebes, Marso 15, 2012

A Week in Photographs:Exam Week

These pictures pretty much described my week. Procrastination, boredom, stress, and vanity.

During my study period, I pretty much used my dad's ipad, with instagram to take pictures of myself, the food I eat, random things I discover, and blah blah blah. As you can see from above I was obsessed with Claire and I had a loooot of photos of myself. :))

Last Tuesday, we had our Cariñosa performance, our was OKAY. We got 85(fine with me :>) and I'm gonna get a grade of 92 when combined with my individual grade. #success.

This is Raven! :3 She looks pretty even when her eyes are closed. <3

Funny how we had costumes on at first but didn't even take full body pictures 'cause we were busy.


We had loads of fun that day and I enjoyed the program though it tried a little bit too hard. Right now I am happy that exams are finished, all I have to worry about is the Acadfest which is on Tuesday. ^_^ So happy. It's only a matter of days before we go to Xia Men and I have to say I am both excited and nervous. We're going to Manila on the 27th and then we'll have time to watch the Hunger Games! :D Yaaaaay.

I will blog more these days since I have the time and the freedom. :3

Huwebes, Marso 1, 2012

Carry On

Hey! I'm back! :3 I haven't been able to post these past two weeks. I've been really busy with school(lots of projects) and life has been pretty dull. Next week we finally take everything to the stage! From the Cariñosa dance in PE to the Filipino play! I hope we do okay though I'm sorta doubting and panicking.

I'm so darn happy that there are only two weeks of school left but unfortunately i still have to study for the Academic Fest(asian history contestant) after examinations T_T. It's only a couple of weeks till we leave for Xia men and honestly I am excited to go to China. I really want to be fluent in Chinese as well as travel with my closest friends. I'm gonna go to Manila early to do some shopping because seriously I am lacking clothes and supplies. I already ordered boots but I am dangerously nervous that they won't be delivered in time.

Anyhow, I just wanted to give you a short summary of what's been happening and what's going to happen. :) This is supposed to be an Obvious Obsessions Post so let us go on! :D

(1) I am obsessed with Nate Ruess' voice. This album is totally awesome, made me love indie music so much more. (PS. I discovered it because of Glee :))
(2) Young the Giant has weird titles but the music is sooo soothing and weird I love it! I also discovered it because of Blaine's awesome version of Cough Syrup. Another band that made me like indie music. :3
(3) I love this site so much. It keeps track of the clothes the Glee cast wears on and off the show. I can't really afford the clothes but I like how they keep track of everything. :)
(4) I've been really into writing and fanfics recently. They are mostly about Klaine(I'm a shipper) and these are my favorites. If you love Klaine as much as I do, read them! They're awesome.
(5)These are main guys I'm rooting for this year on American Idol. I loved Reed's jazzy quirky and weird version of Moves Like Jagger last night as well as Creighton's amazing version of True Colors. I hope they make it all the way.

I know they are few and a bit fangirl-based but these are some of  my obsessions for now. You can now assume by the items above that I am weird. :)) Anyway, I'm rambling now so bye. I hope I can post next week. :3