Biyernes, Hunyo 22, 2012

The Long and Winding Road: Chong Shan Lu 2012 Photodiary

This post has long been delayed. I've been kinda busy with school and the scheduled blackouts made it ever more difficult for me to write on my blog.

For those who don't know, Chong San Lu is a long series of roads where there are many kiosks, small shops, international brands, food carts, and tiangges! It was very exciting and overwhelming to shop at this great shopping street. The international brands are far too expensive, so I found joy in the more simpler and local brands.

The whole street kind of reminds me of Harajuku, seeng as it also has this great arc before you enter. I loved going here on Sundays and buying souvenirs as well as eating yummy food and drinking Coco milk tea.  

Look at China's stray dogs. They are too cute. Even the strays are well taken care of!

Yummy cream puffs! 

A lot of my fellow tour mates bought here which is weird. haha

Pretty shirts.

It was very nice shopping on the many streets and their corner stores were filled with so much cute clothes, bags and shoes.

I bought most of my pasalubong here in Chong Shan Lu.

It was so delicious.

The magnificent giant dog which we saw twice. It was so big and fluffy! The lady was friendly enough to let us touch the cutie doggie.

Sorry for this short post but I didn't get to take so many photos since when we were here we were always chasing the time. Anyway, I'll be posting soon about our great trip to Wuyishan mountain!